for Java v 0.5.0

Interface PollResData

All Known Implementing Classes:
contacttrnData, domaintrnData

public interface PollResData

This interface is used by EPPPoll to instantiate a Poll parser class without having to rely on a particular classname. Implementors of this class have to be able to populate an epp_PollResData structure (via fromXML()) and should be able to pass this data back (via getPollResData()).

Method Summary
 void fromXML(org.w3c.dom.Node res_data_sub_node)
          Converts a poll response data sub node (and its children nodes to the appropriate epp struct depending on the implementing class.
 epp_PollResData getPollResData()
          Returns the epp_PollResData that was populated in the call to "fromXML()".

Method Detail


public void fromXML(org.w3c.dom.Node res_data_sub_node)
             throws epp_XMLException
Converts a poll response data sub node (and its children nodes to the appropriate epp struct depending on the implementing class. An example of a res data subnode would be "domain:transfer".


public epp_PollResData getPollResData()
Returns the epp_PollResData that was populated in the call to "fromXML()".

for Java v 0.5.0

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